Discomfort caused by diseases of the ear, nose and throat can significantly impair the patient’s daily life, as it is associated with breathing, swallowing, speech and hearing. ENT specialists of AIWA Clinic urge not to endure discomfort and not postpone a visit to the doctor because timely diagnosis is important for the successful treatment of the disease!
When should a patient see an ENT?

Otolaryngological (ENT) surgeries in the modern AIWA Clinic
AIWA Clinic employs an experienced and professional team of ENT specialists who use the latest equipment and modern methods of treatment, which allows the patient to feel comfortable during medical procedures, recover as quickly as possible and improve the quality of life.
Endoscopic tear duct surgery
Increased tearing of the eye indicates problems in the lacrimal canal. The cause of the disease can be previous conjunctivitis, various facial injuries or diseases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.
Tearing causes severe discomfort even during daily work. If the patient is not solving this problem for a long time, it can lead to difficulties in performing daily duties or in acquiring skills in certain professions.
This is mainly tearing in one eye, which is not associated with eye irritation or emotional distress. Lachrymation is often accompanied by inflammation, redness and swelling in the corner of the inner part of the eye, causing pain. Purulent discharge is also possible.
Not all problems of tearing eyes need to be solved surgically. If the outflow of the tear duct is blocked, only the surgery can help. The tear duct surgery is carried out endoscopically through the nasal cavity. As a result of the surgery, an outflow from the lacrimal sac into the nasal cavity is created, so that the lacrimal duct works in a natural direction. The surgery is performed by otolaryngologists who specialize in carrying out diagnostic, therapeutic and various ENT surgeries endoscopically, that is, in a minimally invasive way.
The doctor of our clinic, Ekaterina Kondratishko, is one of the first in the Baltic States to start performing surgeries on the lacrimal duct and has accumulated extensive experience in this field.
Endoscopic paranasal sinus surgery
Endoscopic surgeries of the paranasal sinuses are performed in case of acute inflammation (sinusitis) if the previously used methods of treatment have not shown the desired result.
Most common symptoms of sinusitis:
- Nasal congestion
- A feeling of pressure in the areas of the face
- Headache
- Disorders of the sense of smell
- Fever
Swollen mucous membranes and blockage of the nose make it difficult to breathe and naturally clear the nasal passages. To avoid unpleasant complications, it is important to diagnose sinusitis and the causes of this disease in time. X-ray or rhinoscopy is usually performed to make a diagnosis.
Sinusitis treatment
The patient needs to remember that before taking medications such as nasal drops, it is necessary to consult a doctor since improper treatment can only harm health. In the case of acute sinusitis, the doctor develops a treatment plan for each patient individually. If the treatment has not led to successful results, then the patient may be recommended a surgery. During this procedure, the doctor uses an endoscope, a surgical instrument that allows seeing the paranasal sinuses from the inside, as well as other surgical instruments that remove objects blocking the nasal openings. The main advantages of the surgery are a noticeable improvement in well-being and quality of life.
Tonsillectomy or tonsil removal
Tonsillitis is a chronic inflammation of the tonsils, mainly developing after recurrent angina.
Symptoms of tonsillitis:
- Sore or dry throat
- Painful or difficult swallowing
- White or yellow discharge on the tonsils
- Enlarged or sensitive cervical lymph nodes
- Fever
- Headache
Tonsillitis treatment
To ensure the effective treatment of tonsillitis, it is important to diagnose and determine the causes of the disease. The patient is often advised to undergo a course of antibiotics and regularly rinse the tonsils with disinfectant solutions. However, if the method of treatment did not show the desired result and the patient regularly has tonsillitis, then surgery on the tonsils, that is, tonsillectomy, may be recommended.
During this surgery, the tonsils are excised. The procedure is usually performed under local or general anaesthesia. Tonsils can be operated with ultrasound and radiofrequency surgical instruments, heat waves, or excised with a scalpel. The choice of procedure depends on the individual case of each patient.
The main benefits of tonsillectomy are reduced risk of infections and improved quality of daily life and sleep. Surgery also helps in treating sleep disorders such as sleep apnoea. Tonsillectomy takes up to 45 minutes and the patient can return home the same day after surgery.
The adenoids or pharyngeal (nasopharyngeal) tonsils are tissue junctions located in the roof of the nasopharynx that act as a protective function of the immune system. Adenoids can become enlarged as a result of infections and allergies, causing breathing and sleep disorders, as well as discomfort.
Disease symptoms:
- Enlarged cervical lymph nodes
- Frequent breathing through the mouth
- Frequent colds and ear infections
- Sleep disorders, respiratory arrest while sleeping
- Difficulty swallowing.
To treat enlarged adenoids a course of medication may be prescribed. If symptoms do not improve or the patient is regularly exposed to respiratory or ear infections, adenoidectomy should be considered.
Adenoidectomy is recommended if:
- Enlarged adenoids decrease the quality of sleep, which negatively affects daily life
- Recurrent ear infections appear, and treatments have not been effective
- Due to the enlargement of adenoids, fluid begins to accumulate in the ears and pain in the ears appears
Adenoidectomy surgery
The surgery is performed under general anaesthesia. During surgery, the adenoids are excised or cauterized, and in most cases, in the absence of complications, the patient can return home the same day. Adenoidectomy has several benefits, such as improved sleep quality and health, and easier breathing. The risk of recurring infectious diseases is also reduced.
Benign neck tumours
Benign neck tumours are not able to metastasize or multiply in the human body, in most cases, they are not life-threatening. Benign neck tumours can form in any part of the larynx and appear as papilloma, fibroids, or chondromas.
If the patient has any suspicions or complaints, it is necessary to immediately contact the family doctor, who will prescribe the necessary medical examinations and develop the most appropriate treatment plan. A biopsy, laryngoscopy, or computed tomography is usually performed to make a diagnosis.
In the case of a benign neck tumour, surgery is recommended, during which the tumour is excised. Small tumours can be removed with laser surgery. Chemotherapy or radiation therapy is not used to treat benign tumours.
Surgery to correct the nasal septum
Nasal septum deformation is a pathology characterized by the unevenness of the nasal septum. The most common complaints of patients are shortness of breath, dry throat, impaired sense of smell, pain in the head and face. To accurately diagnose the deformity of the nasal septum, it is necessary to undergo medical examinations.
Symptoms of the deformation of the nasal septum:
- Difficulty breathing through the nose (one or both nostrils)
- Frequent infections of the paranasal sinuses
- Decreased sense of smell and taste
- Bleeding from the nose
- Poor sleep and drowsiness throughout the day
- Runny nose
Corrective surgery
This surgery is recommended if the deformation of the nasal septum negatively affects the quality and comfort of daily life. To gain access to the nasal septum and make the necessary adjustments, the surgeon lifts the mucous membrane, which covers and protects the nasal septum, and after the septum is corrected, returns the mucous membrane to its place.
Nasal septum correction surgery has many benefits, such as improved respiratory function, sleep quality, and an improved sense of smell and taste.
Nasal polyp removal surgery
Polyps are soft, painless, benign growths on the lining of nasal passages or sinuses. Enlarged polyps can block the nasal passages, causing trouble with breathing and smelling, and increasing the risk of respiratory infections. Polyps are often associated with chronic inflammation, recurrent infections, asthma, allergies, or immune system disorders.
Disease symptoms:
- Runny nose and frequent nasal congestion
- Impaired sense of smell or complete loss of smell
- Loss of taste
- Pain in the upper jaw
- A feeling of pressure in the face and forehead
- Frequent nosebleeds
Treatment of polyps
Treatment usually begins with a course of medication, however, if the treatment is unsuccessful, the patient may be offered polyp removal. This is done with an endoscope, which allows the surgeon to see the inside of the paranasal sinuses and free them of polyps and other tissues that are blocking the natural process of clearing the nasal passages. This surgery reduces the symptoms of the disease and allows for a faster recovery since no incisions or stitches are made during the procedure.
The most common ENT diseases and their treatment

Hearing problems and ear disease are very common today, as hearing organs are exposed to the environment daily. Hearing loss can be caused by many factors, and lack of immediate treatment can even lead to complete hearing loss. Therefore, it is important to take care of the health of your ears daily and contact a specialist immediately if you have any complaints.

Otolaryngologists often encounter patients, most often with children and adolescents, who have dysfunctions of the nasopharynx and tonsils. In the presence of appropriate indications, specialists offer tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy as the most effective solution to these problems. Surgery can effectively and permanently get rid of the symptoms caused by these disorders, which can also lead to an improvement in the body’s immunity.

Since the nose, ears and throat are interconnected organs, their disease is rarely completely localized. Regular runny nose, for example, affects the health of the ears, while neck and nose problems often occur at the same time. Since symptoms can appear in several organs, it will be difficult for the patient to understand the cause of the disease. It is necessary to consult an ENT specialist and conduct the necessary examinations, after which the doctor will determine the most appropriate treatment plan. The AIWA Clinic team of ENT specialists and ENT surgeons will quickly and efficiently diagnose and help the patient to get rid of the discomfort caused by the disease.

Timely diagnosis is the basis for successful treatment
One of the foundations of successful treatment is effective and thorough diagnostics, which provides the specialist with comprehensive information, that helps to make an accurate diagnosis and choose the most appropriate treatment plan. Diagnostics at AIWA Clinic meets the standards of leading European clinics. If the specialist prescribes a surgical intervention, the patient can be sure about the safe and comfortable stay in AIWA Clinic. The experience of the medical staff and the modern equipment of the clinic will ensure an efficient and fast recovery process.
Otolaryngological surgery is carried out according to the highest treatment standards using modern equipment and the latest industry methods. The medical equipment used in the treatment process allows for minimally invasive surgeries, which, in turn, reduces the patient’s discomfort after the procedure and leads to a quick recovery. A long hospital stay is not required after surgery.
Following the instructions of the specialist, the patient can continue with the recovery at home and quickly return to a full daily life.