The most effective diagnostic method for the most delicate areas of the body
3D TRUS, or Transrectal ultrasonography with 3D image processing, is a specific ultrasonography method, which is used to examine the soft tissues of the anal canal, rectal wall and perineum. 3D TRUS is currently the most accurate method for detecting anatomical damages of the anal canal. The probe of the sonoscope reaches 3.5 centimetres, which provides the quality for local damage diagnostics.
The examinations in benign condition cases:

Determination of the localization of the internal opening of the rectal fistula and location in the sphincter complex;

Determination of musculoskeletal damages of the sphincter complex in the anal canal, determining the causes of urinary incontinence;

Assessment of the relationship between dynamic organs in the soft tissues of the perineum, determination of changes of the prolapse of the pelvic organs.
The examinations in oncological condition cases:

Evaluation of the effectiveness of radiation therapy, determination of early relapse or the prevalence of the process in diseases of the rectum.
After applying for Transrectal ultrasonography procedure, our clinic staff will provide you with the highest quality medical care, developing an individual and professional approach to achieve the best medical treatment results.
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